1.NodeController 源码分析
2.UEFI 之 Capsule Update (固件更新)
NodeController 源码分析
本文主要分析NodeLifecycleController在Kubernetes v1.版本中的功能及其源码实现。NodeLifecycleController主要负责定期监控节点状态,源码原理根据节点的源码原理condition添加相应的taint标签或直接驱逐节点上的Pod。
NodeLifecycleController利用多个feature-gates进行功能扩展。源码原理在源码分析部分,源码原理我们以Kubernetes v1.版本为例,源码原理深入研究了启动方法、源码原理初始化流程、源码原理监听对象以及核心逻辑。源码原理
当组件启动时,若--enable-taint-manager参数为true,taintManager将启用,确保当节点上的Pod不兼容节点taint时,会将Pod驱逐。反之,已调度至该节点的unity 时钟源码Pod将保持存在,新创建的Pod需兼容节点taint以调度至该节点。
NodeLifecycleController中的nodeInformer监听节点变化,nc.doNodeProcessingPassWorker添加合适的NoSchedule taint和标签。当启用了TaintBasedEvictions特性,nc.doNoExecuteTaintingPass处理节点并根据NodeCondition添加taint,以驱逐Pod。未启用该特性时,nc.doEvictionPass将直接驱逐节点上的Pod。
UEFI 之 Capsule Update (固件更新)
UEFI Capsule Update, a capsule-like approach to firmware updates, enables the delivery of updates in a secure and efficient manner. The UEFI specification introduces the Firmware Management Protocol (FMP), capsule format, and the EFI System Resource Table (ESRT) to facilitate system and device firmware updates. The FMP protocol allows the retrieval of firmware information and reports it to the OS, ensuring safety during the update process.
Capsules are essentially units of firmware updates that can be seamlessly integrated into the OS, allowing for updates without the need to directly access the Flash device during system startup. Capsules can serve not only as the update medium but also as a communication channel between the OS and the firmware.
The capsule update process involves several steps. First, the OS's module invokes the EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES.UpdateCapsule() function, passing a capsule image along with reset attributes. This action necessitates a system reboot, typically through S3 sleep state, ensuring the capsule image remains in memory. The CapsuleHeaderArray within each capsule is executed sequentially when the system boots, based on the UEFI firmware implementation.
The process of managing capsule updates involves the organization of capsule data into structured stages: data design, packaging, and parsing. Capsules are designed to enable data transmission between the OS and firmware systems. They are packaged into capsule units and can be divided into smaller sub-capsules for large updates. Each capsule and sub-capsule has a SequenceNumber and InstanceId to maintain order and facilitate the recombination of capsule blocks during the update process.
Capsule volumes are structured similarly to standard firmware volumes, storing firmware files, EFI programs, BIOS configuration information, and other data. The UEFI specification's capsule-based data transfer mechanism involves three key stages: data design, packaging, and parsing. During data design, interfaces for data exchange between the OS and firmware are defined. Packaging involves wrapping the data in a capsule format, allocating necessary memory, and preparing the data for transmission. Parsing entails the firmware's interpretation of capsule data during the Pre-Early, Driver Execution (DXE), and Boot Driver Services (BDS) stages.
The implementation of capsule updates is intricate and involves several steps. After the OS transmits the capsule image, the platform's PEI module checks for any pending capsule updates or capsule booting updates. The CapsuleUpdateDate variable is used to detect if capsules are present in memory. Upon meeting certain conditions, the boot mode is set to BOOT_ON_FLASH_UPDATE. The memory is then initialized, and the PEI module combines capsule fragments into a contiguous memory area, creating an EFI_HOB_UEFI_CAPUSLE object. During the BDS phase, if the boot mode indicates a flash update, the capsule image is processed. The capsule image is identified and executed only if it meets specific criteria, such as signature verification, ensuring the integrity of the update process.
The capsule update process involves multiple components, including capsule runtime services, capsule PPI checks, capsule coalescing, and capsule processing. These components work together to ensure the secure and efficient delivery of firmware updates without interrupting system operations.
In conclusion, UEFI Capsule Update provides a streamlined method for updating firmware, ensuring that updates are both secure and compatible with various system configurations. This approach allows for seamless integration into the OS, facilitating updates without direct access to the Flash device during system startup, thereby enhancing the overall security and reliability of firmware updates.
1. 创建一个NotificationChannel对象,并设置通知渠道的ID、名称和重要性级别。
// 在应用启动时调用
NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel(channelId, channelName, importance);
NotificationManager notificationManager = getSystemService(NotificationManager.class);
2. 创建一个NotificationCompat.Builder对象,并设置通知的标题、内容、小图标等。
NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context, channelId)
3. 设置通知的点击行为和其他属性(可选)。
// 设置通知的点击行为
Intent intent = new Intent(context, MainActivity.class);
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
// 设置通知的其他属性(例如声音、震动等)
builder.setVibrate(new long[]{ 0, , , });
4. 发送通知。
NotificationManagerCompat notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat.from(context);
notificationManager.notify(notificationId, builder.build());
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