【android udp 源码】【c 表格控件源码】【lisp源码 微盘】signals指标源码_fractals指标源码
NPR,全称为"Numerical Propagation of Signals",码f码实质上是标源标源一个用于描述无线通信或信号处理中的一个技术术语。它指的码f码是数字信号在从发送端传输到接收端的过程中,其在平向(直接路径)和反向(通过各种干扰路径)通道中噪声功率的标源标源比值。这个比值反映了信号在传输过程中的码f码android udp 源码质量,特别是标源标源在存在热噪声、外部干扰以及数字系统内部非线性失真的码f码情况下。NPR越高,标源标源意味着信号在传播中的码f码干扰越小,信号质量越好。标源标源因此,码f码NPR是标源标源c 表格控件源码评估无线通信系统稳定性和抗干扰能力的重要指标。
Signal generator
Creating the necessary parameters of electrical test equipment signals. According to signal waveforms can be divided into sinusoidal signal, function (waveform) signal, pulse signal and random signal generator, such as four groups.
Sinusoidal signal sinusoidal signal generator, the main circuit and system for measuring the frequency characteristics of nonlinear distortion, gain and sensitivity. According to the frequency of coverage is divided into low-frequency signal generator, high-frequency signal generator and microwave signal generator; by output level adjustment range can be divided into simple and stable signal generator (that is, signal source), standard signal generator (output Power can accurately - dB attenuation to milliwatts or less) and power signal generator (output power up to more than tens of milliwatts); by way of the frequency change is divided into tuner signal generator, sweep signal generator, program-controlled signal generator and frequency synthesizer, such as signal generator.
Low-frequency signal generator including audio ( ~ , Hz) and video (1 Hz to MHz) range of sine wave generator. Main vibration level tends to be used RC-type oscillator, beat frequency oscillator can also be used. In order to facilitate the testing system frequency characteristics require output amplitude-frequency characteristic calm waveform distortion small.
High-frequency signal generator frequency of kHz to MHz high-frequency, ~ MHz VHF signal generator. Generally tuned LC-type oscillator, the frequency can be tuned capacitors dial scale read out. The main purpose is to measure a variety of technical indicators receiver. Output signal can be used internal or external low-frequency sinusoidal AM or FM signal, so that the carrier frequency output voltage can be attenuated to 1 micro-volt below. Standard signal generator (Figure 1 diagram of the standard signal generator) output signal level accurate readings, the increase in the rate of transfer or offset meter can also read out. In addition, the equipment there to prevent signal leakage good shielding.
Microwave signal generator from the UHF band up to millimeter-wave signal generator. Signal is usually distributed parameter resonator with the ultra-high frequency transistors and reflex klystron, but are gradually being microwave transistor, FET and Gunn diodes and other devices to replace the solid trend. Generally rely on mechanical devices tuned cavity to change the frequency of each can cover an octave or so, coupled by the cavity of the signal power of up to mW or more generally. Simple signal source can be added only 1, square Joseph AM, and the standard signal generator is able to adjust the output level benchmarks to 1 mW, and then from behind with the attenuator signal level read out the decibel milliwatts value; also must There are internal or external rectangular pulse amplitude modulation, in order to test radar receiver.
Sweep and program-controlled signal generator frequency sweep signal generator can produce a constant rate, the frequency of a limited scope for changes in the linear signal. In the high-frequency and high frequency bands with low-frequency scanning voltage or current control oscillation circuit components (such as varactor or core coil) to achieve the oscillation frequency sweep; early adopters in the microwave tuning voltage swept by changing the backward wave helix DC voltage electrodes to change the oscillation frequency, and later widely used in magnetic tuning sweep to YIG ferrite microwave solid ball for tuning oscillator circuit, by scanning the magnetic field to change the DC current control of the resonant frequency of the ball. Sweep sweep signal generator with automatic, manual, program-controlled and far-control and other work.
Frequency synthesizer signal generator signal generator that is not directly produced by the oscillator, but high stability crystal oscillators as a standard frequency source, the use of frequency synthesis technology required for the formation of arbitrary frequency signal, with the standard frequency the source of the same frequency accuracy and stability. Output signal frequency is usually digits may choose a maximum capacity of high-resolution digital. In addition to manually select the frequency of use can also be programmed and far outside the control can also be carried out step-style sweep, suitable for automatic test systems. Direct frequency synthesizer by the crystal oscillation, addition, multiplication, such as filtering and amplification circuit, but quickly transform frequency circuit complexity, the maximum output frequency can only be reached around MHz. More use of indirect frequency synthesizer is to use the standard frequency source through the control of electrical tuning oscillator phase-locked loop (in the loop at the same time to achieve frequency doubling, frequency and mixer), to produce and export a variety of the required frequency signal. This synthesizer can reach the highest frequency of .5 GHz. High stability and high-resolution frequency synthesizer, with a variety of modulation functions (AM, FM and PM), plus zoom, steady increases and attenuation circuit, they constitute a new type of high-performance, can be programmed the synthesized signal generator, but also as a phase-locked-type sweep generator
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